Latest Training Information due to Covid-19

Please be advised that due to the latest government guidelines, EDU Lettings who manage the Handbridge Dojo bookings have been informed that the dojo will now have to close from Tuesday 5th January until Sunday 14th February (subject to government updates).

We will keep you updated with further notices as and when we have new information.

Thank you all once again for your support.

PS If anyone wishes to train, there are many Zoom classes available with senior Sensei’s. These sessions will help towards your next grading. Please message for details.

Training January 2021

Please note, due to the recent change to Tier 4, the dojo will not now open on 4th January as planned. The earliest possible date back in the dojo will be 18th January. However, this is still subject to government and KUGB advice. The website will be updated after the next government statement regarding restrictions.
Stay home, stay safe.

Christmas Message 2020

Dear HSKC Members.
I want to wish you all a very safe and special Happy Christmas 2020.
It has been a hard year for everyone, myself included. So many
courses and plans had to be cancelled.
The Handbridge Dojo had its last session of the year on Monday 21st
Thank you everyone who made the effort to be there.
Thank you to those who have supported the Dojo but just could not make it.
With the blessing of Sport England and the safety protocols of the
KUGB we will re-open in the New Year on Monday 4th January 2021.
Remember that the best defence against the virus is regular exercise
and we have Temperature checks on Instructors and students alike.
We are all well distanced in a huge airy Gym.
Trainers are being worn so no contact with the floor and everywhere
is sanitised as well as hand sanitizer on entry.
No contact allowed so it’s its basics and Kata with long distance
kumite drills and NO kiais or shouts.
So do feel safe to join back with us in 2021
Please have a Happy Safe Christmas and New Year see you on the 4th
Jan 2021.
Sensei Mike O’Connor 7th Dan KUGB
HSKC Chief Club Instructor.

Resumption of Training Sessions at HSKC

Dear members,

As of Thursday 3 December, HSKC will be resuming training sessions at Queen’s Park High School. We will be following government and KUGB guidelines and also EDU-Lettings procedures which are detailed below.

Training times are as follows:-

Mon 6pm – 7pm Juniors, Beginners and Intermediates

Mon 7pm – 8pm Seniors

Thu 6pm – 7pm Juniors, Beginners and Intermediates

Thu 7pm – 8pm Seniors

We look forward to welcoming you back to training.

EDU-Lettings procedures

We look forward to welcoming all our community groups and organisations from Wednesday 2nd December in line with the recent Covid-19 guidance we have communicated with you.This is a reminder with regards to our operational procedures. As we are all aware, Covid-19 has impacted the sport and leisure industry, we thank you for your continued support.

Please also see below operational procedures when visiting site. These, alongside your activities current governing body guidelines MUST be adhered to. Please ensure you have understood and researched your body guidelines before visiting site.

– Do not report to reception, our members of the team will visit you in your area of use to sign you in on arrival.
– NO CHANGING ROOMS are available. Please ensure your users come ready. (Swim excluded).
– There is a one way system, to the left, clearly sign posted on ALL corridors and floors.
– Toilets have a red and green system.
– Doors and touch points will be opened to minimise contact where possible.
– Only 1 adult per child under 16 and NO additional spectators on site this includes siblings. Users and users clients only.
– If you run a junior activity, please ensure only one adult picks up and drops off and where possible stays in their cars.
– Sanitising stations including hand sanitisers, sprays and wipes will be stationed outside of main areas of use. Use these at your leisure.
– Our staff will wipe down all touch points and equipment before and after each user.
– Only Visit our reception for emergencies and this must the lead coach, or supporting coach.
– Do not, under any circumstances enter un-booked rooms. You must stick to the space you have booked.
– All of your junior users, MUST have an adult coach or supervisor attend the walk between your space of use and toilets.
-Please ensue you r Risk Assessment and Covid-19 Questionnaire are uploaded to your documents on your online account.

– ACCESS – Please read the risk assessment and follow all protocols in regard to ONE Way System (entering and exiting site).
– TRACK AND TRACE – Similarly to the restaurant industry, as usual, your lead must sign in. Should yourself, or anyone who has been in contact with our site, test positive for the virus within 7 days of using the facility, you must make Edu-Lettings aware. We will then contact all relevant users of the same evening and spaces to inform users of a positive case. QR Codes are situated around the site and we need all attendees to scan using the NHS App.
– Covid-19 – guidance must be adhered to for all bookings please ask EDU staff if any questions or queries.
Please ensure you leave the last 5 minutes of your booking to leave the facility as your found it and leave via your exit point in time for the next user. The last 5 minutes will also be spent cleaning equipment and touch points by our team with assistance from the group lead. Please do not try to enter ANY facility before your start time. Note – this is not the time you wish to get in to set up. this is your booked start time.

I appreciate the 5 minutes eating into time of your session – however we must all work together, to ensure all sport and activity is allowed to go ahead in a safe environment for all.
We will continue to update all clients with regards to the information received on Covid-19 regulations both in the leisure and educational sector.

Our staff will be on hand to support you during your time on site, however, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly to discuss further.

Kind Regards
Nick and Mike

EDU Team

Zoom Classes from Red Triangle

*** Important News ***
On Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th December, Sensei Sherry and Sensei Frank Brennan will be holding live zoom classes from the Red Triangle.
These classes will focus on preparation for those taking their next grade, eg 1st Kyu going for Shodan etc. 3rd Dan and above class is open to all Karateka of those grades.
Classes are as follows :
1st Kyu – 11am – 12 noon
1st & 2nd Dans – 12.15 to 1.15pm
3rd Dan & above – 1.30 – 2.30pm
Please warm-up prior to the start of the class. You must be in your gi.
Training is free, but spaces are limited, so to book in you will need to email with the following information :
Date & time of training session :
Name :
Club :
Grade :
Licence No :
Expiry date :
Once your email is received your space will be booked, depending upon availability, and you will receive login information.
We look forward to seeing you online next weekend.

Grading Examiner Awards

I would like to inform all members of HSKC that Sensei Mike O’Connor 7th Dan KUGB has  now been promoted to Grading Examiner.
This is a fantastic achievement and brings another important dimension to HSKC. We are extremely lucky to have such a high ranking instructor and now our very own grading examiner.
Along with Sensei Mike’s promotion, the KUGB also announced a further 4 grading examiner promotions. See below statement from the KUGB.
HSKC would like to take this opportunity in congratulating them all on this fantastic achievement.
Statement from the KUGB
The KUGB is pleased to announce that Sensei Jim Brennan and Sensei Garry Harford have been appointed as Assistant Dan Grading Examiners.
We are also pleased to announce that Sensei Rob Welsh, Sensei Richard Poole and Sensei Mike O’Connor have been appointed as Kyu Grade Examiners.
Many congratulations to them all.

Important members message from Sensei Mike O’Connor – HSKC Chief Instructor

Dear HSKC Members, Current, Past and New, 

The Handbridge Dojo in the Gym of Queens Park High School, Handbridge,
opened its doors for the first time on Monday 7th Sept to a reasonable start.
I know I was not there as I have to Self Isolate after returning from Germany
via Switzerland. So I am forced by regulations to stay away but feel great and
look forward to seeing everyone soon. However Sensei Dave Roberts 3rd Dan
is doing a fantastic job in a difficult situation.
This is made worse I think, by the current news which is reporting a lot on the “Rule of
Six”, which applies to any group meeting socially indoors or out.
The current Government rules for SPORT INDOORS are that there can be up to a
maximum of 30 providing there is a 2 metre distance in all directions from a 
fellow sportsperson. Our massive dojo has room to exceed the 30 limit if it were
raised.  So please bear this in mind SPORT is NOT  socially meeting indoors.
Right, now that’s clarified, I can tell you of the other measures for your safety.
1 The Gym doors handles are disinfected before and after every class.
2. We have our own approved non contact temperature “guns” to test members on entry.
3. For now we are using trainers or Kung fu slippers to train in so there is no floor contact.
4. You should come in your Gi or in loose clothing if you are a new starter, and change into
     your trainers or Kung Fu slippers in the dojo.
5. There is currently NO CONTACT  between members so Kihon, basics, Kata (Forms), and only distant Kumite with NO KIAI’s .
7. All toilet facilities are open and have a one way system and are again sprayed before class starts and where anyone can safely wash their hands.
So remember, very sadly, coronavirus is with us, it’s unlikely to go away, but physical fitness is recognised by the UK Gov Sport England, The World Health Organisation and the KUGB as an excellent method of remaining fit, which fights against infection, keeping off weight, and also helps fight CV19. Returning to training will help return the mental stability that lockdown negatively affected for most people.
So remember the hardest thing about training is JUST TURNING UP !!!!!
Come on back and enjoy what CV19 has taken away for most of us.
I will certainly be in the Dojo on the Mon 21st as my home “jail time” is at an end on the Sunday 20th but I am training in my home dojo every day.
Sensei Mike O’Connor 7th Dan KUGB
Chief Club Instructor
Handbridge Shotokan Karate Club
The GYM – Queens Park High School Chester CH4 7AE
Totally non Profit making since 4th May 1969 – Now in our 51st Year
Mondays  6-7  Beginners and Kyu grades 7 – 8.30 Seniors
Thursdays 6-7  Beginners and Kyu grades 7 – 8.30 Seniors  


Dear HSKC Members,
I am very happy to report that the Queens Park High School will reopen to HSKC Members on 
Monday 7th September 2020. At our usual times 6-7pm for any children or beginners 
and 7pm – 8.30pm for the Senior Class.
It is essential that ALL members check that their KUGB licence is up to date and if not do an online renewal.
Here is the link to do that
Everyone concerned with the reopening is very aware that we must be totally vigilant in order to train safely.
There have been immense challenges to overcome . SLS lettings went into receivership sadly taking a huge chunk of club funds with it.
A new lettings company has been employed by the school which is Edu-Lettings and I have again taken a massive personal risk of booking a year to exempt paying £14 a night VAT and thus trying to keep the Club costs down.
But HSKC needs your loyal support more now than ever if we are to survive the covid 19 pandemic.
Here are our HSKC/KUGB recommended precautionary measures:
1. Most important if you have ANY Covid 19 symptoms yourself or in your immediate family
2. Everyone entering the Gym Dojo will be temperature checked by our own HSKC purchased and medically approved instant temperature none touch diagnostic temperature guns We have two..
ANYONE showing an above normal range will be refused admission asked to get GP tested
3. Everyone should bring suitable footwear to train in eg. Trainers or Kung Fu slippers BUT DO NOT COME WEARING THE TRAINERS – a very simple and cheap ideal solution to wear is flip flops. These can be purchased from poundland for one pound and they have most sizes . NB Other stores are available -or you probably have flip flops already.or wear your normal everyday shoes
4. It is recommended that everyone, especially children come wearing their gi .(Karate Uniform)
5. Adults can come in their gi with an overgi jacket or track suit top worn over your gi.
Please note that the school changing rooms and showers are not to be used. However the school toilets will be available and the usual washing facilities therein.
6. The training fee should be in a clear bank bag or sealed envelope with your name on it.
A Reminder – training fee remains at Adults: £5, Also the child training fee at: £4 
DISCOUNTS – We know times are tough and though rents have increased we hold our discounts:
 An Adult with one child together is £6, Adult and two children is £7 Two children from the same family £7 ,
Three children from the same family £8 
7. Everyone will be asked to social distance at 2 metres during arrival / training and  leaving of the Dojo. 
 The upper level windows will be open to ensure an air flow in the Dojo.
8. The doors will be opened by the instructors wearing gloves, all handles will be sprayed with disinfectant and wiped by the instructors. Hand sanitising spray and gel material will be present for use.
1a. There will be NO close contact kumite. Any Kumite will be at a least 2 metre distance or more and the emphasis will be on Kihon (Basics) and Kata (Forms)
2a Instructors will NOT be physically correcting students, instead verbal instructions will be given or if necessary the Instructors will demonstrate for you.
3a There will be NO Kiai’s – though the point at which Kiais are in Kata will be denoted, and there will be NO harsh or expulsive breaths.  No screaming and NO running round jumping on the mats etc.
4a.  Future Gradings are possible, though for parts of that masks would be required – we will explain how that works in the months ahead so as to fall into line with the most current KUGB and Government rules.
5a  Regarding Face Masks – You can wear a mask if you want BUT the Government and The World Health Authority says 
“People should NOT wear masks when exercising, as masks may reduce the ability to breathe comfortably. Sweat can make the mask become wet more quickly which makes it difficult to breathe and promotes the growth of microorganisms. 
The important preventive measure during exercise is to maintain physical distance of at least one meter from others”.
6a With our current HSKC numbers and the fact of the very large size and height of the Dojo we will already be working well within the Government’s recommended  numbers, that can easily mean we have the most room per member and the best airflow apart from being outdoors.. 
Finally I would like to say that the initial classes will be very light with an emphasis on regaining skills that may be a little rusty.
No-one should feel apprehensive about returning to training as we are ALL in the same boat. It’s a great time to come back to training if you’ve had a break or just want to lose the lockdown extra pounds which have been so easy to put on.
It’s time to get extra pounds off, get really fit and enjoy all the massive health and mental benefits of Karate that Doctors and fitness studies worldwide have recognised for years.  Above all our aim is to keep everyone safe at all times.
See you in the Dojo
Sensei Mike
Mike O’Connor 7th Dan KUGB
Chief Club Instructor
Handbridge Shotokan Karate Club
Queens Park High School GYM
Handbridge  Chester
A Totally Non Profit Making Karate Club since 4th May 1969 , Now in our 51st Year
Note: Could members/new starters please contact the club via the website / Facebook / text message or otherwise to advise on whether or not they will be returning to training. 
Many thanks, and look forward to welcoming you back in the dojo.

Online Training during lockdown period due to Covid-19

All HSKC members,
During these difficult times, a lot of you will probably already be bored and in need of stimulation. There are a number of KUGB clubs currently running online karate sessions. I participated in a session last night with renowned instructors John and Holly Bruce. I have to say, although strange training in my living room, it was a fantastic session.
If any members would like to take part in any of these sessions, I’m sure the relevant clubs would welcome you. I know of at least 4 clubs who are doing this currently (there are probably more):-
Sendai Kushiro – Sensei’s John & Holly Bruce
Chelmsford Karate Club – Sensei Jane Naylor Jones
Ataru – Sensei Otto Blank
Sei Do Kan – Sensei Billy Higgins
Please let me know if you are interested and I will provide contact details for you.
Stay Safe – Sensei Dave Roberts

HSKC tribute to Sensei Bob Poynton 8th Dan KUGB

We took time out on our last training session of Thursday 19th March 2020  to remember our very great friend and truly amazing Karate senior  Kyoshi Bob “Bobby” Poynton 8th Dan.
Sadly the small family funeral planned for April will not be what this huge stalwart of KUGB karate deserves for his amazing dedication to the Karate Union of Great Britain, his representation of his Country in World, European and Domestic Championships, his contributions towards World Karate and the unification of Karate in the UK under Sport England. His bringing together of Karate as an Exam qualification in O and A level, his advancing Senior Dan Grades to be Coaching Assessors, who in turn upgraded Club Instructors and a whole raft of attainable qualifications for teaching karate more professionally.
His tireless work along side Hanshi Sherry 9th Dan, in raising up the standard of KUGB referees and Judges to be the envy of other associations worldwide, Kyoshi Bob Poynton as KUGB Administrator and Course Organiser has always made himself available to help us with club matters over our 51 year history and I was grateful to be only talking with him personally on the Friday prior to his passing in his home when he looked well but as usual was very busy but still made time to speak to me and have a last cup of tea together. Who knew ??
Sadly Kyoshi Bob “Bobby “Poynton 8th Dan died in his sleep and was found Tuesday morning 10th March by shocked KUGB Office staff.
The cause of death has been determined as heart failure.
All our thoughts and sympathy go out to his brother Jimmy, his sister Doreen, their family and friends and to the senior members of the KUGB who are as shocked and saddened as me and the rest of the members of the Handbridge Shotokan Karate Club.
RIP Sensei
(written by Sensei Mike O’Connor 7th Dan KUGB and Chief Instructor Handbridge SKC)